Monday, July 21, 2008

views off and on different stuff

Not sure what this post will contain, maybe just a lot of photos from the hiking we did yesterday with some comments on my thought of gender over here... unfortunately whatever I write today will be influenced by my mood, and am feeling frustrated .
I will not go into details about it, but one of my oldest friendship is writing its last chapter in this moment.
The trip this weekend.... we went to Asheville for a pool party. It was great .. hot weather, 5 bands playing in the back garden and friendly people. When we first arrived we were offered a beer, and as danish girls we know beers, so this is a warning Do NOT drink Light BUSCH it is terrible .. come on America what is the point of drinking a LIGHT beer? American should know by now that they should stop supporting anything with a name starting with BUS.. and the taste was like bad water adddddd :) anyways this guy came up to us with a camera, he thought that it was the must funny thing that we were drinking this beer and wanted to film us while drinking the beer. I was later told from another guy that he had seen guy 1 sitting with his camera laughing, and what he was looking at was the movie from the day before.. but the camera focus was only on my breasts hahahhaa WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!!! :) it made me laugh, but really I was wearing a T-shirt with a high cut .. !
Another thing is the way people are checking each other out over here. I do realize that it is a human behavior to observe/look at/ check out other human, but the way they do it over here is just sooooo exaggerated !!! they do not just look they turn around and bend down to get a better view.. hanging out of the windows and using the horn every times a female walks by .. it is not enough for them to look they also need their target to know that they have looked at them .. it might be that danish girls are suuuuuuuper sexy for them hahahah.. but i think it
probably not the case!...
enough about this type of views .. we also went hiking and it was beautiful.. we went to the place where a good movie was filmed "The Last of the Mohicans" enjoy the view :)
just realized that this ended up being all about views ;)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The place of Music

The Place of Music ..

Chapel Hill is a small spot on the map with many stereotype element to it, but it seems that Music plays a greater part here than any other similar place I have been to .. I was gonna write about the different gigs we have been to but yesterday we went to a coffee garden, where one of our friends was gonna play. When we arrived this other woman was playing " Clare Means" and it was so beautiful.. my mind flew to a place inside of me, where I have not been for a long time. I felt so relaxed and confident about myself and the word free had another situation added to it. That music experience was worth so much and I can not describe it in words to others without hating the cheesy sound of it that it would get hahaha ... so I will leave it up to you to imagine how it felt :)
Beside us there were more people hanging out at the coffee place, and one particular woman caught my eyes " Betsy". " Betsy" is this lovely woman that goes to most gigs around here. And what she does is that she films the locals performing and then put it up on the web.. so instead of me telling you how great the music is around here I can just add the link ;) loving the internet.
The nature around here it green green green!!.. and we are so lucky to live next door to it.. so we have natures music singing us to sleep and the squirrels entertaining us with their hide and seek games doing the day.. but as all other things in life, nature also have a dark side to it.... THE MOSQUITOES ... they are everywhere and for some reason they have decided that they love danish blood :( been in battle with them since day one, using all types of weapon, but they have so far won more than 35 battles..

Chapel Hill is not a place where I could see myself living not due to the music, nature or the people I have meet, but it is way too small and still to American for a girl like me ;)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Identity control in America

Identity control in America..
We have now been here for 2 weeks and the most odd and irritating thing we have experienced is the ID control. The first place where you realize that Big Brother is watching you a lot more over here, is when you enter the boarder: fingerprint and a photo is taking of you... you feel that the attitude toward you as a guest is not friendly or open.
My sister was only bringing one backpack with her and got stopped on the way out of the airport of a security guard " hey is that all you got?? "was asked with a very suspected voice from him. Lucky my sister was quick and gave him a big smile " all I need is my bikinis" which made him laugh and we could move on. Another guy was asked the same question and had to justify for the amount of clothing he had brought with him.. really who cares?? and is it not better that we spend our money buying stuff rather than spending less money???

when you buy a train or long distance bus ticket you have to show your Passport and they put you in the system ... where is the freedom? this is about controlling people and making them aware of it. ...what happens if I wanna escape from someone? it seems like you are loosing the possibility so escape...
In Denmark we also check ID in relation to alcohol, but here we have been checked in every pub, club, restaurant, supermarket even when I wanted to try a chair that gives massage ! :)
Now one would think that the American people would be experts in checking ID ... but sorry to disappoint you they are not!! hahah we could not buy alcohol in a club because we ONLY had our passport with us and that did not show our age... sorry ... not a valid ID ..probably THE most valid ID :)
anyways i mention in the beginning that the attitude was a bit hostile towards strangers/tourists here but am underlining that it is the system that brings this feeling to me not the ordinary people whom I have meet here :) they are very nice and I have so far not had any negative episode 7-9-13 ( these are number you say in my country when something bad had not happen yet and you want it to remain this way)

Sunday, July 13, 2008


A journey has begun- one of many, still like many other steps but with different smell, taste and views. The setting is America, the superpower, the country of opportunities and the culture which I have the most prejudices towards.
I have been excited about this trip for a long time, but have decided to have as little planed as possible so that I can get as many surprises as possible :) love when something unexpected happens and it takes you out of the box..

The first week took place in NY city, where we stayed at Zach wonderful place with a perfect view over Central Park and many many many tasteful bites of all kinds of food.
Beside being impressed by the tall buildings, busy yet very pleasant lifestyle ( pleasant for those who can afford it...) there are a few things that are worth mentioning :
The Yankee baseball game ... Baseball is a lot like "rund bold" just for adults+ hot dogs+ light beers+ breaks for advertisement and so much more boring!!
This is really not a game you wanna enjoy if you are into speed and nerve wracking moments.. but I like the part of both team being in the game all time and it seemed like most of the enjoyment of watching it is being surround your friends and family while eating. The drink and snack sellers when on and on screaming "HOT DOG" "ICE CREAM" the whole game and the people kept on buying eating buying eating ... which is not a bad thing at all ;) but it was still a long 4 hours game and the Texas Ranger won :(

A Danish / Icelandic artist has created public art for NY, 3 waterfalls that are set under and around the Brooklyn bridge so we went on a boat trip to see it!... I have to admit that I was not impressed when we were there, but I have thought about it a couple of times since, which in it self is a great accomplishment for a artist to make his/hers audience do. And to be frank I like the timeless drops of the most important resource on earth taking place in a big city like NY... when it is a waterfall .. but not if it was the New Yorker not turning of the water when brushing their teeth ;)

NY is overall an incredible city which you probably would have to live in to be able to understand its culture better... we were only there for 7 days and we only saw it through the eyes of a guest who were visiting common tourist places... we did though hang out with our New Yorker friends all the time and they explained us about their views on NY and took us to taste their favorites food hahah but sure if that made us more confused about what NY is :)