Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The place of Music

The Place of Music ..

Chapel Hill is a small spot on the map with many stereotype element to it, but it seems that Music plays a greater part here than any other similar place I have been to .. I was gonna write about the different gigs we have been to but yesterday we went to a coffee garden, where one of our friends was gonna play. When we arrived this other woman was playing " Clare Means" and it was so beautiful.. my mind flew to a place inside of me, where I have not been for a long time. I felt so relaxed and confident about myself and the word free had another situation added to it. That music experience was worth so much and I can not describe it in words to others without hating the cheesy sound of it that it would get hahaha ... so I will leave it up to you to imagine how it felt :)
Beside us there were more people hanging out at the coffee place, and one particular woman caught my eyes " Betsy". " Betsy" is this lovely woman that goes to most gigs around here. And what she does is that she films the locals performing and then put it up on the web.. so instead of me telling you how great the music is around here I can just add the link ;) loving the internet.
The nature around here it green green green!!.. and we are so lucky to live next door to it.. so we have natures music singing us to sleep and the squirrels entertaining us with their hide and seek games doing the day.. but as all other things in life, nature also have a dark side to it.... THE MOSQUITOES ... they are everywhere and for some reason they have decided that they love danish blood :( been in battle with them since day one, using all types of weapon, but they have so far won more than 35 battles..

Chapel Hill is not a place where I could see myself living not due to the music, nature or the people I have meet, but it is way too small and still to American for a girl like me ;)

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